Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Early Morning Visitors~

Can you see them in the tree?

A closer look...

Every morning and again just before dark these visitors come looking for corn under my birdfeeder.
After they finish at night they launch themselves up into the pine trees near our house. My husband
says you can hear them talking to each other up in the trees after dark.

Have a happy Saturday!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hello and Welcome!

I let this blog sit vacant long enough! I'm not one to sit still long enough to have my own blog. Sooo.... I guess this is an experiment of sorts. So who am I? First and foremost...I am a gardener! Have been for a very long time. I'm also a librarian, a collector of antiques, an animal lover, and a crafter. My views on somethings has changed since my husband and I moved from overcrowded Central Massachusetts to the Quiet Corner of Connecticut in 2009. Life has slowed down a little bit and for the better. So I'm hoping that I can keep this going and make it entertaining as well. So thank you for visiting! I will be back with more!

Snow anyone! We have plenty!!!

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